tips for weighing yourself because some of you panic too much

#edtwt #ricecaketwt
sorry if you already know all of these lmfao i've just seen too much misinformation on here.
1. your clothes make a huge difference, at the minimum they'll add around 2 pounds, but depending on what you're wearing the number will fluctuate higher quite a bit.
2. go to the bathroom before weighing yourself. if you can't shit, you're going to have an extra 0.5-4 pounds, the latter only happening if you're extremely constipated. typically it will be around a pound.
3. speaking of constipation, get your god damn fiber in so you don't have to worry about it. laxatives aren't a replacement, they're bad for your liver.
4. the more salt you have, the more water weight you'll have, and counterintuitively the opposite applies for water. so if you binge drink as much water as possible (any more than 1L an hour cannot be processed by your kidney however).
4 a. additionally as a general rule of thumb you should be drinking half your weight in lbs in ounces. (for me that would be 170 pounds -> 85 oz -> 10.6 cups) but you can drink up to twice that without water loading.
5. speaking of water and hydration, energy drinks don't count towards your water intake but coffee/tea does.
6. if you normally have periods, you could gain 3-5 pounds at the beginning of your cycle regardless of wether or not you currently have your period. it sucks and it's dumb but yeah
7. if you've plateaued and can't figure out why, take a day to eat at maintenance. It's going to work if you haven't fucked up your metabolism yet.
8. final tip that's more of a tool: use the app happy scale. it averages out your weight loss which personally helps stop me from panicking whenever it goes up.
end of thread
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