Best-selling evangelical books instruct women to give their husbands sex to deal with their husbands’ porn addictions.

If any reporters are working on stories about Josh Duggar, I’d love to give background on how wives in these communities are told his porn use is their fault.
We just conducted the largest survey ever done of evangelical women’s marital & sexual satisfaction for our new book The Great Sex Rescue. One of the things we were looking at was the teaching, “women should have frequent sex with their husbands to keep them from watching porn."
In November 2019, Focus on the Family, in their broadcast, said the reason men watch porn is that women aren’t having enough sex. Every Man’s Battle (the book series sold 4,000,000 copies) told women they were like a “merciful vial of methadone” for him when he’s quitting porn.
Emerson Eggerichs in Love & Respect, the most widely used Christian book for marriage small groups, said that husbands will “come under satanic attack if deprived of physical release”, and downplayed the problems of porn (saying her weight gain was more important).
Kevin Leman in Sheet Music told women that they should give husbands oral sex or hand jobs during their postpartum phase or their periods to stop husbands from watching porn.

In evangelical circles, his porn use is her fault for not putting out enough.
If anyone wants to look more deeply into this, please contact me. This is evil. This is wrong. We need to shine light on this terrible teaching and put it to death once and for all.

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