Marxist-Leninists and tankie-adjacents are the largest issue facing the lefts ability to organize and make REAL progress across the board. prove me otherwise.
vaush isn’t the problem, the lib left isn’t the problem, the DSA isn’t the problem.

it’s a group of authoritarian worshipping ML’s that are scaring people away from being leftists. did you forget about the impact of McCarthyism and the red scare on ACTUAL people?
people and the working class care about being pragmatic. they’ve seen the failures in China, Cuba, and the USSR.

the American proletariat don’t want anything to do with your LARP radicalism. they care about fair wages, healthcare, and their families.

go outside and organize.
this is why we constantly lose working class votes to right-wing populism.

calling other leftists “not real socialists” and acting superior ideologically causes a divide that simply isn’t necessary.

focus on real issues, people, and the political atmosphere.
I’ll get flamed by ML’s for this thread surely, but that will only serve to prove my point.

Marxist-Leninism was forced on comintern members by the USSR. it’s not the only solution, or the best one in my opinion.

quit being terminally online and organize.
if you love Stalin and think he was unironically a good leader for Marxist movements around the world then you can just hop off this thread. I’m muting.
no counter-argument from any tankies at all yet, I’m assuming they’re scared of addressing how they will be putting their ideas into practice besides authoritarianism and unrealistic Revolution LARP.
in summary:
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