common herbs in ancient greek magic! (thread)
#witchtwt #witchcraft #hellenicpagan
Poppy-pain reliever, calming quarrels, fertility, divination, death rites and rituals, sleep

Aster-Banishing, warding, cleansing, for help with astrology work
Juniper-Guards against theft, sickness, and negative energy, banishing, cleansing, hex-breaking. Berries can be used in love rites

Hemlock -Used to destroy libido, hexing and cursing, consecration

Pennyroyal-Birth, nursing, female health, preventing pregnancy
Squill-Averting evil, protection, cleansing. Hang in the front of the house to ward off negative energy

Bay leaf-banishing, cleansing, khernips. Creativity, divination, happiness, protection against sickness

Myrtle-Cleansing and consecration, love and fertility
Hyacinth-Beauty, attraction, love, confidence, protection against nightmares, secrecy

Wild fig-Cleansing, banishment, success and security, fertility, aphrodisiac

Purple orchid-Aphrodisiac

Wild rose/rose hips-Beauty, love, attraction, cleansing
Garlic-Anti-theft, banishing, cleansing, uncrossing

Peonies-Banishing, cleansing, hex work to produce arguments, protection

Heliotrope -Divination, healing, solar work

Anise -Cleansing, divination, aids in spirit communication, health, averts the evil eye
Henbane-Causes madness

Dill-Cleansing, attraction, beauty, hex-breaking, wealth, protection

Chamomile-Cleansing, psychic and divination abilities, peaceful sleep, hex-breaking, wealth

Clover -Cleansing, luck, money and wealth, success
some of these are poisonous, and not recommended for use! this thread was simply herbs that were frequently used. please be safe and do your research before using any herbs!!
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