as a 10vely I think ppl kinda misunderstand why we want so10 so bad for years... from 2016 to 2019 ten had NO group, only 1 week of promo for bds in these 3 years after nctu debut so he was nowhere. his career was sabotaged and now he's in wayv which we all know is mismanaged +
a lot by sm and ten isn't really promoted in ch nor in thailand eventho he works his ass off for it...better than his hiatus we know but still holding him back. so what options does that leave us? him going solo is the only option so he finally gets what he always deserved.
so no confusion starts, ten starting in only the chinese market was always a dead end as he didn't started in a survival show, and since hes thai u won't see sm push him get an acting or mentor gig as luwin hardly are allowed to get already. same goes for all rest of wayv
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