Yt people not realizing that community garden doesn't mean "white suberbia gated community gardens".

The community gardens we've seen with Native friends and family and Black friends? Those ARE revolutionary.

We had a years worth of crop for a family of 8 on an 8ft by 8ft plot.
As for starch as potato planting in ground takes up a lot of space? Potato towers take up far less space, can be grown indoors to avoid pests they attract, and can be grown year round.

Black and Native community gardening is a blessing.
Another thing we did lots of was vertical pallet herbs. Seriously, this keeps envasive ones such as mint under control/contained so well!
Ours never looked this nice, but they worked and made it so us kids could help pick herbs!
Only have a belcony? Renting so can't dig up grass? We've got that covered too. Pallet raised bed gardens are affordable and comrades with access to a truck should definitely ask grocery stores if they have extra pallets to make affordable raised beds!
This is all for now, we will probably come back later with more useful info and such, but yeah, people need to eat, gardening provides food when capitalism tries to starve those of us who are unable to make enough money for both food and shelter.
Okay, we lied, last add on for now because brain is saying add this.

If you have a spruce tree, which can cause a lot of issues for many plants, there are some that can still thrive!

Wild ginger and Columbine can grow around the base with a Blueberry bush border!
Columbine will work as a pollinator attractor which will help the whole garden. 💜💚
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