We have to take action based on facts and evidence—not fear and misinformation—if we want to win the fight against COVID-19. FACT: Canada’s borders have been closed to non-essential travel for more than a year. Thread ⤵️
It’s been 16 months since Canada became one of the first countries to enforce enhanced screening measures at our border to detect COVID-19, long before the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. These measures now apply to all travellers.
We adapted our response as the threat to public health evolved. When the UK variant started its spread around the world, we suspended flights from that country. Today, there are NO direct flights landing in Canada from COVID-19 hotspots, such as India and Pakistan.
Exemptions exist for Canadians and permanent residents returning home. They are tested 3 times and are subject to mandatory quarantine, which is our most effective measure against COVID-19. All post-arrival tests are sequenced to detect variants of concern.
Our measures have led to a 96% reduction in air traffic and an 82% reduction in land traffic into Canada while maintaining vital commercial movement, keeping shelves stocked with food and medicine, and our interconnected North American economy strong.
Community spread has led to deadly outbreaks across Ontario. We must do everything we can to save lives. We’ve approved 23 requests for assistance from ON, including critical support for seniors in long term care & health workers to expand ICU capacity.
We have seen that jurisdictions that use their authority to take bold and innovative action and impose strong public health measures can have a dramatic impact on the spread of disease.
We need to work together and follow the expert advice of public health officials. Canadians expect and deserve real leadership in our response to this pandemic. We will do whatever is necessary for as long as necessary to keep our communities safe from COVID-19.
For more information about our fight against COVID-19, visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html
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