I've sat on my hands about this for awhile but I was nudged to say something because it really does make me uncomfortable, so ...

I'm flattered people like my mechagnome ideas and plotting but I'd like to very gently encourage people to not lift stuff from me for their own OCs.
To clarify; this isn't a one person thing. If you are reading this afraid it's you specifically? It's not. This is a pretty small roleplay niche and ideas naturally get kickballed between us by way of us being in close proximity of eachother.
To put this into better perspective: I roleplay a prosthetist. By taking my upgrade ideas you are depriving me of IC interactions where it is literally my character's job to distribute those upgrades.

I work very hard on my plotting and it just bums me out when it happens :(
I don't really want anyone in my DMs regarding this, I just wanted to say something because it's something I've noticed but decided to be quiet about. I'm not mad or irritated I'm just trying to get better at expressing my boundaries as a creator.
Replies are off because I don't want anyone in the comments of this thread defending me or calling anyone "copiers" and insulting them. That's not what this is about. I'm just setting a boundary, that's it. I encourage people to get creative outside of my ideas.
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