There were no falsehoods told on January 6th. NONE. Just because the media, democrats, WEAK republicans , and unconstitutional courts refused to hear the cases don’t make them false. This absolutely DID happen. Whether you want to believe it or not.
We absolutely saw the same thing that night in November. When most of us fell asleep fully expecting 1 outcome, yet woke up to a TOTAL different outcome.
We absolutely watched as incident after incident happened where Republican poll watchers were denied entrance to building after building. WHere folks were *because of covid* forced to watch folks count ballots, so far away they couldn’t see them.
We absolutely seen in Texas where 1 woman admitted to handling thousands of ballots fraudulently, coercing old folks on how they should vote, and she was just 1. That 1 organization found. Imagine what we let slip through?
We absolutely DID see where they sent Republican counters home in Fulton only for the democrat counters left to continue counting ballots.
We absolutely did see state Secretaries unilaterally change state constitutions to benefit one party over another. We absolutely watched as state supreme courts handed down 1 unconstitutional ruling after another to get the desired outcome of democrats.
And who’s fucking brainchild was this ballot drop box idea? Who the FUCK thought of that bullshit? And why the hell would Republican legislators go with it?
We also saw how tech titans such as Mark Zuckerburg gave millions to democrat areas to get out the votes.
Yet, Fox News, cnn, msnbc, and everyone in between wants to tell me don’t believe my lying eyes? yea... NO!
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