Asking a dermatologist if you should get daily sunlight exposure is like asking an atheist if you should go to church every week
In dermatology, one of the worst things that could possibly happen to you is skin cancer

In medicine in general, skin cancer is not common compared to other cancers or metabolic issues, and not very fatal, especially if caught early (even melanoma survival rate is 98+%)
On the other hand, daily sun exposure actually reduces risk for many other types of cancer, heart disease, and many other health issues

Skin cancer risk is increased by sunburn, NOT sun exposure, so as long as you don't burn your risk of skin cancer is not increased
The model of sun exposure that's considered the most dangerous from a skin cancer standpoint is what's known as intermittent sun exposure

This is defined as infrequent sun exposure where an individual is burned easily due to lack of prior acclimation to UV light
Avoiding sun exposure takes one of the single most protective factors for health out of the equation, based on an over simplified view of skin cancer risk

Don't avoid sunlight, avoid sunburns

Build up exposure gradually and get the benefits while avoiding damage to the skin/DNA
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