You don't know what to do outside of public DAs?

Have you looked at your community? Your neighborhood? How are the community free fridges? Are they stocked? Do you have any? Why don't you?

Are there tenet unions? Community gardens? Bike collectives?
Do you like to disrupt things? Surprise folx? When was the last time your mall experienced an anti-capitalist flash mob? The last time someone distributed info about sweatshops in front of a Nike? Banner dropped? Interrupted a meeting of your local business "leaders?"
Are there speaking events? Do you know any older radicals who wouldn't mind sharing their knowledge with a new generation? Are there zine distros? Do you have little free libraries? If so, why aren't they filled with radical zines? And if there's none, why not?
How are the most vulnerable in your communities? Are they fed? Do you have a Food, Not Bombs? Would you like to start one? Do you know where the local food pantry is? How's their shelter? Do they need tents, timber, stoves?

How many empty homes are nearby?
Do you have skills to learn? To share? Want to learn how to fight, shoot a gun, and sew? Know anyone who does? Can you set aside a day to learn? Do you want to be a multidisciplinary revolutionary?
Who's watching the chuds? Do you know what their movements are? Is your community aware of their local Fasc? Can you defend against them? Do you know how?
Are there events still happening? The occasional lib march? Wouldn't it be awesome if you flew your own banner during it? The Black flag? Maybe even help guide it into a more radical direction? Aren't people still pissed? Aren't people tired of milquetoast lib nonsense?
Who's watching the rivers? Your sources of water? The green forests and the untamed wilds? Who is protecting the earth? Are you supporting them? Who's destroying the planet? What are people doing to stop them?
Have you looked honestly at domination? At how patriarchy, heteronormativity, white supremacy, and other hierarchies have influenced your thinking? Have you taken time to dismantle their influence from your life? Are your ideals working to liberate the oppressed?
There's still so many more questions that could be asked. It's inexhaustible.

But even more importantly, there's so much to do.

Don't worry about the DAs going away.

It's time to ask yourself "What is to be done? What can I do? What do I want? And who's with me?"
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