a thread of video game-related questions for anyone to answer! please quote tweet with your answers!
1. what was your first game?
2. what is your favorite game?
3. what is your least favorite game?
4. what is the game you have the most nostalgia for?
5. do you have a specific favorite moment in a game?
6. do you have a favorite memory playing a game?
7. do you have a favorite game series?
8. how did you find out about your favorite game series?
9. do you have a favorite genre of video game?
10. which do you prefer, good story or good gameplay?
11. do you have a favorite game dev/company?
12. what's your favorite indie game? feel free to tag them and give them a shoutout!
13. what do you think is a super underrated game?
14. what do you use most to play games? pc and mobile counts!
15. do you prefer playing singleplayer or multiplayer?
16. do you have a favorite party game?
17. what is the most creative mechanic you've seen in a game?
18. what's your favorite game soundtrack?
19. what's your favorite story in a game?
20. what's your favorite video game character?
21. what's your favorite video game villain?
22. what's the best game community you've been in?
23. what are your opinions on gacha/lootbox mechanics in games?
24. do you have a comfort game? (it might not be your favorite, but it's always something you can fall back on if you're feeling bored or sad or anything like that!)
25. do you have a favorite gaming content creator?
26. what's your favorite art direction in a game?
27. have any games ever helped you discover anything about yourself?
28. what game left you most feeling like you wanted more?
29. do you have a favorite quote from a game?
30. what game have you spent the most time playing?
31. do you prefer modern, retro, or a mix of types of games?
32. do you mod or hack any of your games?
33. are there any games you want to play but haven't yet?
34. how big is your backlog?
35. are you for or against pirating?
36. is there a game you want to completely forget so you can play it for the first time again?
37. have you ever participated in speedrunning or esports?
38. have you 100% completed any games?
39. what was the most difficult part in a game you've faced?
40. what was the scariest moment in a game you've played?
41. what would you say is the rarest/most obscure game you own?
42. have you ever gone to a midnight release for a game or console?
43. did you play cool math games as a kid? if so, what was your favorite game on it?
44. do you have merchandise of any games? share a picture of it if you want!
45. have you made any fanart of any games? share it if you want!
46. xbox or playstation?
47. do you have a favorite smash reveal trailer?
48. who do you main in smash?
49. what is/was your most anticipated game?
50. LAST ONE! what are your video game hot takes?
thank you so much if you got this far! consider following me maybe ahaha
You can follow @nikua_.
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