This morning, I talked to my Sis Mungi for her @EverydayUbuntu podcast and, while the whole convo was good, I’m still thinking about the part where we discussed this overwhelming need to believe you have haters, people who are jealous of you and be fueled by it.

It’s wild to me.
We have so much pushing us in this world to fixate on people “hating” on us or being jealous and it’s all a distraction rooted in ego.

It wants us to believe we are worthy of being envied. That, in itself, is its own sickness.
One of the worst things ever done was using Jesus to fulfill our sick “let your haters become your motivators” fantasies. That entire logic is antithetical to the gospel.

Jesus came to teach us how to do life together. To help heal each other, not glory in someone else’s wounds.
At its core, jealousy/hate is someone’s inability, as a result of experiences and circumstances, to fully recognize/lean into the light and gift they truly are.

Why would I find inspiration in that? Why would I allow someone else’s brokenness to fuel me? How is that healthy?
I told Mungi I wish we were pushed to grieve jealousy instead of finding ways to benevolently glory in it, through fake humility, as we do. If I am because we are, then I shouldn’t celebrate being hated/envied. I should want a world where everyone knows their worth.
I’m learning that it takes all my energy to be my best self and that’s who I’m called to be. Any time I take away from that to focus on what I perceive to be someone else’s envy towards me is time I’m cheating myself of my own call and purpose.

I believe we can be better.
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