Maybe a thread like this should be saved for Pride Month, but I don't think I can wait.

Recently I stumbled onto the LGTBQ/Queer tag on BGG and it is not encouraging.
There are a scrawny 22 games present, with 2 of those being expansions. Of the full games listed I would say only 11 are authentic games told from a grounded perspective. Not all of them are deeply serious or representative of Queer culture, but that's fine.
And the rest? Almost all queersploitation. Using queer imagery and culture as window dressing to get attention, but not putting in the work to make it authentic. And that is 45% of the whole tag!
In fairness I should let you all know I have not played all of these games. Many only have a BGG description with no images at all. And of course this is my opinion, not an objective fact. Some games could be better than I am giving them credit, and some could be worse.
Now I'll note that queer themes in tabletop games is a raw deal. It's really shown through personal relationships, while most games out there have zero focus on that topic. Fog of Love is a notable exception here
Me being upset at this isn't because I want some tidal wave of clearly queer-coded games (although that would be sweet), it's more my deep distaste that 45% of the games in the category are painfully inauthentic.
And no, I don't want them removed from the tag. I want the 45% to get knocked down - by having more games about authentic queer culture/queerness come out. It would be a clear representation of how far things have shifted once they aren't almost half the selection.
And to be transparent, I should also mention my game Stonewall Uprising is in this category. And seeing it surrounded by so many exploitative games is how I noticed this whole mess.
I'll cap this off with a request. Experienced & aspiring designers - Please make more positive, well-researched, & amazing queer board games.

And to everyone else, let people know these are the kinds of games you are interested in. Tell them loudly and make your voice heard!
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