It’s almost Pride month, so I am reaching out to LGBTQIA+ and Two-Spirit artists who would like to donate items for my annual fundraiser giveaway. This year I’m raising money for the Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (iSMSS).
Art items include, but are not limited to:
-paintings, drawings, prints
-crochet, knit, & sewn work
-comics or graphic novels

It does NOT need to be LGBTQIA+ themed.

Unfortunately, I cannot offer any sort of honorarium for donations this year.
What I’ve done the last 2 years is offer anyone who donates $5 or more one entry into the giveaway, where the prize is art made by LGBTQIA+ and Two-Spirit people. I will be making something for the giveaway as well.

Last year we were able to raise $500 for Skipping Stone!
iSMSS has many programs, including:
-Camp Fyrefly, a national leadership camp for LGBTQIA+ & Two-Spirit youth

-The Alberta GSA Network, a compilation of resources for GSAs, and with year-round events, such as the annual Alberta GSA conference
-Where the Rivers Meet, a program dedicated to uplifting & empowering Two-Spirit & LGBTQIA+ Indigenous youth

-C.H.E.W (community health empowerment & wellness) develops & delivers comprehensive health education for LGBTQIA+ youth who are in care, homeless &/or sex-work involved
Just to be clear about exactly what area I’m raising money for, it’s the iSMSS’ program fund; all the money donated will go towards helping to fund programs like Camp fyrefly, Where the Rivers Meet, and C.H.E.W.
Initially I had wanted to raise money specifically for Where the Rivers Meet, but donating to the fund is the most direct way you can do that (I reached out and asked)
You can follow @InukUnikorn.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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