Recently became disillusioned with a friendship of mine
So I have a few thoughts about women that are obsessed with relationships and marriage
For ages this person I know has considered love,relationships and marriage to be the pinnacle of life.
And for a long time I thought "yeah cool lovely. We are all built different"
But now I realise that when you center men in as the sole motivation of your adulthood it..
little room for anything else.
It can and will consume you
Because A. Men are trash 2. You are buying into a system that will not reward you for your devotion
Also like WHY?
The most successful women I know are a full person of their own
Because you must be.
Men will NEVER center you
I honestly don't know one man who centers the woman in their life
I am not even sure they are capable of it
Meanwhile you madam submit and serve..🤧
This person I knew looked at me one day as i was telling her to gain more female friends and said "my man will be my friend"
Girl I was not of the understanding of the sentence
Does your man think of your laundry? Does he think of how to improve your life on a daily basis? Does he worry about your health?Does he clean your space if he finds it dirty? Essentially does he nurture your being?
If he does one million
Because men have not been taught...under the to truly be partners.
All most men know is how to provide and even that they either fail at or that's all they do. Provide money and wash their hands of the million other things that a partner must do
When you de-center men look how they react
Suddenly they want to do more for you
Because you are a full person of your own. And hetro ladies I encourage you to do this and do it for YOU.
Because the truth is many wkman aren't truly fulfilled
Even when they do it "right"
I look back at my friendship with this person and I am not sure I have known her to be single for more than 2 months
Even within that time there were men in the periphery
I encourage every hetro woman to have a serious single phase
Get the man out of your system
Because relationships cloud your spirit. When they aren't right.
They leave you bitter, angry and burdened with more baggage
Ladies why?
Just why?
It isn't even that great with most of these men. They aren't that amazing for the most part
Y'all remember that Oloni thread from the other day
Stinky dirty dusty mfs have soo many amazing women in a chokehold
Baby set yourself free
The patriarchy was not built to lead us to happiness
I genuinely believe in love and that a good relationship is one of the most beautiful things we can experience
But most of these men aren't offering you that
Just a buffet of bullshit
Don't do that to yourself
Lastly women who are like this either have
A. Friends that are also obsessed with men
B. Little to no female friends
Because why? Thinking that the o my relationship you need to invest in (outside of family) is with a man
They don't have the capacity to be a real friend
They spend a good portion of time viciously gossiping or discussing men
These girlies are not passing the Bechdal Test to save their lives
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