1/ Thread about why I think there is literally zero competition for #Chainlink. $link

It all starts with Sergey's philosophy degree. You see, philosophy isn't just about spending time thinking the meaning of life etc. Instead, I think philosophy is about _inventing questions_
It's about inventing and asking questions that no-one has ever asked before. And by asking questions no-one has asked before, you'll find yourself realizing stuff that no-one else has ever realized before. Also, high quality questions tend to give you high quality answers.
If you are talented in inventing questions and spend your time looking for answers for these questions with people high IQ enough, you'll end up inventing stuff that might actually end up being useful in the physical world too instead of being just abstract thoughts in ur mind
When you listen Sergey talk you notice him using these multi-dimensional questions as examples when trying to explain his thought process like "How do you connect the guaranteed certainty and transparency of smart contracts with the chaos and anarchy of the real world?" --
contiuning with "How do you trust something that is off the chain, and amenable to the corruption and manipulation rampant in human-centered systems?" and "who is going to use it, how they are going to use it, why they are going to use it and how that usage is going to evolve"
Now imagine him asking these questions and finding solutions for these freshly invented questions with someone extremely high IQ and productive individual like Ari Juels. We don't even have to imagine tbh.

They ended up creating chainlink.
From the stream of these well phrased high IQ questions, they have invented:

Off-chain reporting
Treshold signatures
Super-linear staking
Hybrid smart contracts
Verified randomness (VRF)

And the list goes on.
Back to the original statement: "There is literally zero competition for chainlink"

While Sergey and Ari spend their time inventing these new questions to solve, other projects seem to be looking for answer for "How do we profit from the oracle hype Chainlink started?"
The most pathetic example of the lack of vision of the other oracle teams comes from @BandProtocol. They are so incapable of understanding the thought process behind the tech of chainlink, they settle for looking answer for "how do we copy this from chainlink" pic related:

So basically, you just win.

Thanks for reading this highly autistic thread frens. wgmi
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