The Boko Haram war has dragged on for over 11 years. Killing over 30,000 Nigerians, why displacing well over 2 million. Hundreds of military lives, wasted to the war, yet, no sign of victory.
But the US Army beat back a stronger insurgency in Iraq in just 30 days.

How? Thread
In 2007, 4 years after the fall of Saddam Hussein, there was instability in Iraq. Proliferation of arms & ammunitions.
Ex Iraqi soldiers were on the streets, weapons were very handy & easy to access. A strong rebel groups sprang up, Using Iraq's largest ghetto sadr city.
From their hideouts they waged guerilla war against the US army, launching attacks, and killed quite a number of soldiers. Planting mines, throwing bombs and engaging security forces on gun battles. The US had plenty fatalities, as the rebels overran the Iraqi security forces.
They gathered strength in numbers, acquired more weapons. They became a threat, to Iraqi stability.
Since they are guerrilla fighters, who are unknown, the US changed her war tactics.
Leaving it majorly to the Air combatants, & the US Air combatanting force, to handle.
So the US troops could go in for land clearance operations. To minimize civilian casualties.
Unfortunately for the US, rebel leader cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, had just announced a bold offensive. His Army has just moved it's guerrilla war to the cities. 10000 strong fighting Force
The rebels wanted to capitalize on the dead of the night, to launch a wide range of attacks, against the US forces, and the Iraqi security. Taking them by storm.
But unknown to the insurgents, the US had just changed it's rules of engagement, and was also equal to the task.
The US military quickly activated it's Apache helicopters to dislodge the insurgents. Waiting for them to come out from hiding, why relying on modern technologies of war. Like Night vision cameras, human heat sensors, guns identifying infrared. To neutralize the insurgents.
The US Air Army unit had 6 Apache helicopters, flying 24 hours daily, for the next 30 days after the rebels launched their offensive. Going from street to street to bombard the insurgents. With over 3,000 flight hours. The US intensified it's attack for 2 weeks like never before.
Killing thousands of insurgents and pushing the rebels back into their enclaves. The US Air combatants continued it's attack on the insurgents untill their leader Muqtada al-Sadr, and his remaining fighters surrendered, and called off their offensive.
Land troops and Iraqi security forces then moved in, to take control of security in the cities. After flushing out remnants of Muqtada al-Sadr's men.
All these happened in just 30 days of Air strikes and a Air controlled war.
I don't know why the Nigerian govt should still be wasting the lives of soldiers in vain, when we can acquire these military assets, to engage Boko Haram fully from the Air.
Smoking them out of their hideouts, & killing them in huge numbers, so our troops can go in to finish up.
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