i need to have a tiny surgery done. my primary care doctor has spelled my name *hallucinogenically* wrong on the referral form Four Times In A Row. made me miss TWO appointments. every day this week they flubbed the form a unique new way. i will change doctors . . . after :-(
my problem is barely even about the kafkaesque health insurance system anymore. i've got kafka in my kafka, over here. i can't change doctors NOW--i'd burn three months of by-the-book process. so i gotta keep dealing with this doctor who takes a six-day weekend every three weeks
i do not exaggerate: literally a six-day weekend every three weeks. on one level, it humanizes doctors to see them make bloodwet-rubber-glovesly typos with vacation-like recklessness. on the other hand you'd prefer someone a little more robotic when you have a Mass In Your Tonsil
i waited ALL DAY to get the referral so that i can get the appointment scheduled for when i get back from my trip and here i am, inches from the airport, and i notice my doctor replied SECONDS before the close of the workday with "i need the name and number of the doctor"
i GAVE YOU the name, address, phone number, and fax number of the doctor about Eight Times already. check your previous emails from me on this thread, in which you will also find the proper spelling of my name! this has been going on for Two Months!!!!! jerry!!
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