Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign solicited the largest upwards wealth transfer of any presidential campaign ever. Between that & his 2016 run, brand Bernie™️ took half a billion dollars out of hands of workers & transferred to DC Ivy League consultant class & big tech platforms.
The moment his 2020 run ended, the activists & media brands who built their careers on the back of Bernie's campaigns, personally & vitriolically attacked the few people who dared try to reckon with the political totality of the Bernie moment. Oh & kept the gravy train running.
They told their millennial zoomer leftoid sycophants that anyone reckoning with reality was a headcase, a fascist maybe?, "got got" by Nazis, a culture warrior, or just a bitter resentful shrew. They told everyone to log off while they fueled BLM's flames & sheepdogged for Biden.
At the time I said I wouldn't be taking calls to "log off" seriously from Silicon Valley leftoids whose domination of narrative & rigidly coercive control over discourse, extends across every single digital platform. Obviously. That disrupted their "log off & grill" party line.
Everything Christman said above was nonsense, obviously. Every one of these something awful stillborn mutants creates a r*tarded strawman of their target, then dismisses it. Repeat strawman enough & it becomes a spectre. The spectre of strasserite Aimee Terese is subhuman scum.
Obviously subhuman scum can be denigrated by anyone trying to win the favour of these fat soyjak sociopaths, and thus the spectre and the denigration of it helps with group bonding. It also guarantees whatever they have to say is deemed a priori worthless.
This is all tactical and purposeful. Bernie's loss was not to be critically engaged, because attempts to do so might compromise DSA's national recruitment & retention drive, taking place over the same period.
Feeling sad about Bernie? Come join our cult of Democratic Party footsoldiers! (Remember kids, the bitter blackpilled cynics online DON'T EVEN ORGANIZE!) Note the multilevel marketing approach in the the third pic.
The idea that these mother f*ckers were publicly destroying anyone who dares question their party line, all while pretending this was personal not political, was also a party line. Make it personal. But social media has been central plank in DSA recruitment & retention for years.
"Larry Website"
Their cult like method is to attack, isolate & gaslight their targets. Here's "Larry Website" stating that an attack on chapo/Jacobin is attack on dsa. David Duhalde, head of DSA fund, doubled down & threatened to trigger dsa harassment charges for disagreeing with "Carl Beijer".
Carl Beijer has been at the head of a relentless daily campaign of harassment, slander and intimidation of me for 18 months now. It has been brutal. I'm not a victim. I'm not traumatised. I want nothing from these people. But I'm not going anywhere and I'm not afraid of them.
Duhalde and others on the dsa leadership team have been party to all this. So have Bhaskar, Connor Kilpatrick, Amber Frost, Dustin Guastella, Meagan Day, Daniel Denvir, Ben Burgis, Katie Halper, that far pervert Doug Henwood, zero books, antifada Sean, Gabriel winant etc.
Their politics are techno-stalinist. They share the same mindfucking cult tactics, emotional manipulation and psychopolitical coercion of the most brutal cults. They play good cop bad cop. They will email pretending to be your friend worried about the abuse you're taking online.
Even as it's their political comrades orchestrating and perpetrating it, and they know that, and they're just trying to manipulate you because they're lock stock & barrel footsoldiers for the project. These people don't care if you live or die. They are bottom feeding parasites.
They don't have beliefs or principles. They have a party, a party line, & no qualms destroying anyone or anything that stands in it's way. It's all opportunism, all the time. All that is solid melts into air? There was never anything solid here. It's all parasocial parasitism.
I started tweeting regularly in 2017 just talking shit during lengthy periods of downtime at work each day. I was often stuck waiting to be heard at court, or waiting on administrators to lodge forms or process things. I was curious about Bernie. I had always been soc dem lefty
My account grew and I was asked to cohost dps. It was fun mostly. Benjamin Studebaker and I started what's left when unceremoniously dumped from dps at beginning of 2020 democratic primary. I was a liability because I didn't toe invisible party line (one I didn't know existed).
We did what's left together because we both really wanted to contribute to the Bernie campaign, we both thought the basic social dem program Bernie ran on in 2016 was really worth supporting, and made arguments to that effect throughout the primary.
The abuse i took throughout that period was out of this world. I don't care anymore but it was nuts. Totally ridiculous. I was right about everything not because I'm a genius, but because the left was lying the whole time and protecting the party not the individual candidate.
This level of brutality has no place in a politics ostensibly geared toward good things for normal people. This isn't a personal claim, it's a political one. Repression, censorship, cruelty, manipulation, these are bourgeois modes of domination from Democratic Party footsoldiers.
This politics is not for working people. It's not for decent people. It's for people who don't give a single solitary fuck about anyone or anything but themselves. Do not ever give these people your money, your time, your support or your apologia. They are unworthy of any of it.
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