“Philosophical beliefs” aren’t beliefs in any normal sense, nor in any useful sense, afaics. This is question #1 in the survey; what could any answer possibly mean?

Philosophy is Actually Bad, and everyone should stop it. https://twitter.com/ExistWell/status/1390338787667025922
Professional philosophers seem to mostly understand that philosophy is mostly bad, or at best mostly pointless.

Those who leap to defend it when I say “Actually Bad” are lay people, presumably resembling the left panel below. If reading it makes you cry… https://twitter.com/Trad_West_Art/status/1390328207052873733
Many lay people apparently adopt “Philosophy!” as a quasi-religion, just as others adopt “Science!” as a quasi-religion.

This is a cultural/social phenomenon worthy of investigation. Studying it sociologically might be meaningful where “experimental philosophy” surveys aren’t.
One interesting phenomenon is that members of “Philosophy!” often (usually?) view it explicitly as the alternative to “Science!”, which they reject. (Along with “God!” which presumably is where they came from.)
I get the impression that “Philosophy!” isn’t an organized subculture. People adopt it individually, and most are uninterested in joining community around it?

Where does the content come from? Undergrad intro phil courses? Blog posts rehashing the Greeks?
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