
You have got to stop not doing anything about your romantic life and just hoping everything goes how you want it to go. If you want something, go after it. If you’re sick of something, end it. You have to be the one to do something about the things you
Desire rather than expecting everyone else to do the work! You have to show people you care about them or want them or are missing them. You need to actively work towards getting those you want and expressing and showing affection. You need to take steps or you’ll remain stuck
And unhappy basically. I feel you need to open up and watch they will too. You need to start sharing how you feel and who you are to others so they can also do the same back to you, so you can build stronger connections. It’s hard when you’re hiding yourself or not learning
Others properly and falling for people without ever really knowing them and crying later when you see all the red flags or things you didn’t like that you missed. Make an effort, ask questions and build stronger connections through time. There’s someone or something you need to
Release. Maybe you’ve been living in your head a lot or maybe you’ve been attaching yourself to things that no longer serve you but you need to detach and get back to who you are again and find your power because you’re slowly losing it. I see you possibly making up with someone
Or wanting to reconnect with someone from your life. Maybe it’s them instead.

Relevant signs: Pisces/Aquarius/Earth energy
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