How it started one year ago.

May 2020. Gave my agent something I wrote. He responds, "Why aren't we taking this out?" Me: "We can take this out??"

Him: "Can I share with Ken Jeong? Sounds like something he'd like."

Me: "!!!!!" /1
July. Ken & I FaceTime for 3 hours talking about life, career, faith, love. He gets it on a deep level. "Let's tell your story" is now burned in my brain. My agent schedules a slate of meetings with some of the top comedy production companies. "Let's go!!!" /2
September. Meetings going well. Then Ken texts me: can he share it with his "good friend Daniel Dae Kim?"

Me: "!!!!!" We schedule.

Mid-Sept. I pitch a version to 3AD. Tell my story. DDK wants it. Ken & I huddle. An all-Asian production? We can do that?? Hell yeah. It’s on! /3
This is the photo capturing that zoom moment. John helped me craft a pitch which I delivered to Amazon on a November morning. We heard back EOD: it's a sale!

Now all I have to do is write a pilot that'll get us the green light & put more 🇰🇷stories on screen. 😬 /4
And that's how it's going. But none of this happens without a bunch of great things falling into place, the first of which was me writing something with no intention of it becoming a TV show at all but just for the joy of it.

So write that thing. You never know. 🙏👊
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