People have been asking in what ways they can help Colombia, I have been able to find this so far. Please spread, rt & share! Colombia needs your help. Ill include some videos in this thread explaining what is going on in Colombia. #SOSColombia
Please share, and actually read and watch everything too. Many of us are privileged to not have to deal with what Columbia is dealing with. I see mainly latinos talking about this, so if you are a WHITE AMERICAN there is no reason you should look away. Latam is sufferring.
This is what it has been like in Columbia for the past week.
TW // Flashing lights , loud noises
Please also share the hashtag #CALIESTACENSURADO Cali has been censured, nothing coming from Cali is showing up on the internet so spreading this can help a lot. Please share!!!
You can follow @cecequack.
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