Since it seems like it's a thing in Colts twitter today, here's an actual list of accounts worth following, with their rescpective curriculum vitae for you to decide if it's good or bad, because I don't want to decide for you (they're good tho):
@JayVeeThree #numberaesthetics & front runner for best looking family.
@NateKent_ horny about bendy dudes, likes to kill animals.
@VeveJones007 1st one to accept and like Wentz trade (even though we could've had Fields). Very sensitive if you don't include Paye in the comparison
@FanOfNuance should be paid for the work he puts in tracking team interest.
@brokehomiejon likes OLs more than his mom (or does he?). Also very hopeful of Wentz.
@ColtscapKyle He knows stuff you're gonna have to study a lot to understand.
You can follow @costaphilipe.
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