(1,4) CUSTOMER ALERT!!! Do not buy any vehicles at @lorenzofordfl. I am looking to get Jesse a @Ford Mustang and decided to make this a learning experience for him. I had him go out on his own to shop and negotiate. With inventory limited, he has been searching online
(2,4) and ended up driving over an hour to Lorenzo Ford. When they gave him an offer above sticker with all added on dealer extras, he called me and put me on the phone. I explained to the sales person why that would not work and if that was the deal I told Jesse to leave.
(3,4) When I hung up, they proceeded to tell Jesse that I was arrogant and he was privileged. He got so upset, and they got more obnoxious. He ended up leaving and then going back to make it clear that he was upset and to explain what our family has been through and that he is
(4,4) anything but lucky & privileged. They said that they did not care & proceeded to laugh and call him privileged and me arrogant. Fortunately, I have many friends in this business. Jesse did receive his learning experience and I will now work through the people who I know.
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