Rant incoming:

Got some problems with the docket for today's hearing:

"H.R. ____, to require the Securities and Exchange Commission to carry out a study on the impact of the gamification of online trading platforms, and for other purposes"
Anyone else find this gamification talk condescending?

If I wanna burn my money, let me burn my money.

Also, you know, maybe we actually know what the fuck we’re doing; plus... we were raised on videogames... bigger fish to fry than "gamification"
"H.R. ____, to amend the Securities Act of 1934 to establish certain requirements with respect to retail investor options trading, and for other purposes.

"Retail" doesn't need restrictions. This plays into the same "dumb money" narrative we've been fed for so long.
In short, we don't need protection from ourselves. Over the past few months we've seen incredible talent, know-how, and fortitude.

We want transparency, a level playing field, and consequences for those at the top who gamble with our future.

No more half-steps.
We don't want half-steps and we don't have delusions about the incestual relationship between the market and our policymakers.

Make no mistake — this is about rich vs. poor and they want us "protected," divided, and conquered.

Stay loud.

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