
Goodbye to Myles Carter aka @MrMasonMills. A shameless and cynical fraud.

In the middle of his long con impersonating Dominic Cummings on twitter, Carter was arrested for fraud on 21 May, 2020. Bailed the next week.

The Mirror broke the Barnard Castle story on 22 May.

@MrMasonMills twitter account was first locked then suspended from 21-29 May.

That week was also wall-to-wall Barnard Castle news coverage including DC’s Rose Garden statement on 25 May.

MM reappeared on 29 May, using his jail time account suspension to continue the con.

Myles Carter was next due in court on 19 June, then extended until 17 August.

Still on bail, Carter decided to monetise his MM social media persona on 26 July.

Customers were promised inside government info “ahead of the media”, despite Carter having no connections.

Patreon upselling continued. Meanwhile a further court extension was granted until 19 October.

On 3 Sept, MM decided to go for a bigger cash pot, offering a “lifetime VIP membership”, fully refundable.

The court date was then set for 18 Jan.

On 6 October, Carter again upsold the group to the New Frontier Group level, accepting donations to support charitable contributions for needy group members.

Full refunds of previous fees were again promised to encourage upgrade.

While still on bail waiting for his January court date, Myles Carter began to solicit new donations for “Christmas wishes” for needy children and “party night” subscriptions.

On Jan 1, refunds did not materialise and were ignored until the clamour grew too loud. It was claimed that refunds were never promised.

Then on 17 Jan, Carter promised partial refunds if applications were made to him by 31 Jan.

On 18 Jan Carter’s court case was adjourned until 26 March, then 9 April.

Refunds promised on 1 Feb did not materialise, and were delayed until 30 April.

Meanwhile on 5 March, Carter upsold the group’s most faithful once again for a fee to join the Cult of Mason Mills.

It is not yet known exactly how much Myles Carter has made off of the NFG/Cult to date, but it is easily another six figure sum.

All made while on bail after his May “DC-gate” arrest which he cynically used to keep conning.

@MrMasonMills was, is, and always will be a fake and a chancer. Buyer beware.
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