Things perpetual dieters say: A thread. #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "Oooh, I shouldn't be eating this!" while chewing on it already. #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "I'll have a Coke Zero with this pizza." #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "I'm just trying to get back to my pre-<insert event> weight." #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "How could you be eating this? That's just empty calories!" #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "It must be glandular, I track all my food and I should be losing weight! ... Why, yes, I'll have another shot of Bailey's!" #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "I'm trying to get ready for the bikini season..." in October. #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "I guess it's a cheat day today..." #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "I am going to redesign your diet, how can you eat like that?" and "Let me recommend you this great new diet/supplement!" to people who don't need their advice. #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "I will get the job/partner of my dreams/project finished as soon as I lose these <insert random number> kilos." #PerpetualDieters
Perpetual dieters say: "I do love myself, but..." #PerpetualDieters
And a disclaimer: These are general things perpetual dieters say, any similarity to a perpetual dieter you know or are is purely coincidental. In case you are a perpetual dieter, I have these words for you: 1. You are not alone. 2. Live now and love yourself!!! #PerpetualDieters
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