I have been nursing a sore leg from what I thought was a biking sports injury. After getting the AstraZeneca I got a little bit concerned because the pain was worse and had migrated down my leg. Yesterday, reluctantly, I went to see a doctor. 🧵 #COVID19AB #AZ #yeg #UofAMedicine
I got a scan done and I have a blood clot in the superficial vein running from my groin to my ankle. The blood clot was more than 5 cm long so the doctor sent me to the U of A emergency room. They did tests and ruled out AstraZeneca having given me the clot. 🧵
They are convinced that it was my birth control. I am on blood thinners now and after about six weeks I’ll have a follow up with my GP, perhaps a scan and I should be good to go. 🧵
I’m glad that I went to go and get that scan because I would not known otherwise and they suspect it would have made its way into the deep vein had it gone untreated. Thanks to my vaccination I was being super vigilant. Never be embarrassed to get stuff checked out. 🧵
I will be forever grateful to my friend who convinced me I should just get it checked out, and the walk in clinic doctor who listened and took it seriously, the team at U of A who treated me and other patients with so much respect all while teaching their residents. 🧵
I could hear what was going on all around me. Covid is real. It is taking a toll on all our healthcare workers and emergency personnel. They are working under extreme conditions and doing so with grace. So professional, kind and compassionate even while being asked so much. /🧵
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