The activist project and the theoretical project of Marxism are perpetual losers absent an ambitious and long-term productive project informed by the first two and in turn constrains and makes demands of them
This productive project would likely aim to reproduce society, focusing on the most critical and large scale aspects of societal need and flourishing, within structures that necessitate the alignment of worker interests as a collective
The PMC left keep wanting class consciousness to emerge spontaneously throughout the throngs of workers mediated by the power of their academic ideas and their activist passions.
They want an immaculate conception that avoids the gross part of workers having power and leverage over them at any point before the revolutionary transition to the socialist/communist paradise they bloviate about.
Those that fetishize unions or employee owned co-ops totally misunderstand what needs to be done in terms of both nature and scale by a mile. They think they can plant forests by collecting one houseplant at a time or build cities from lego blocks.
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