I've said this to her privately but it deserves to be said publicly: I disagree with @AnnaForFlorida on probably 90% of the issues (she'd probably say it's closer to 89%.) But I genuinely admire her passion and her work ethic. We need more people who truly serve.
Solutions aren't the exclusive domain of one party and I know few Republicans in Florida who are open to having honest conversations with those who disagree with them the way @AnnaForFlorida does. Keep your eye on her.
In fact, most Republicans in Florida are more likely to attack, smear and demonize anyone who disagrees, from the Governor to State Party to Legislators. To her credit Anna is always open to having a discussion. We need more of that in politics.
Add people like @ShevrinJones, @DanDaley and @senpizzo to that list. I don't know any Florida Republicans who match their work ethic and their willingness to have honest discussions with anyone. Maybe @JeffreyBrandes but it's a very short list.
Florida Republicans have become the party of anger and fighting imaginary culture wars to satisfy an ignorant base. And before you attack me as anything else, I am a conservative. My views haven't changed. But my former party has. Hopefully Fla Democrats have learned a lesson
What modern Republicans don't understand is that the point of politics isn't to destroy your opponent. Instead, it's to advance ideas & legislation that positively impacts the greatest number of your constituents possible. That usually requires having relationships with opponents
And despite our Governor keeping the Capitol locked down until after his controversial legislation was passed, I probably directly interacted with legislators more this session that any other. And what I heard from Republicans was "fuck them. We're gonna destroy Dems"
Literally what I heard from every single Dem was "how do we work with Republicans to get this passed?" They were actually calling me to get my advice. I feel like Floridians should be paying closer attention
I'm not a Democrat. I have no intention of becoming a Democrat. I am a conservative who doesn't have a home. But I sure do appreciate that Democrats seem far more interested in bipartisanship than my former party is.
I'll leave with this: if the base of your party is entirely dependent upon confirming their own ignorance and dishonesty there's only one way this ends. Rome is burning, Republicans. Maybe do the right thing and put it out instead of gleefully pouring gas.
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