ㅤㅤOne month ago,
ㅤㅤafter two years,
ㅤㅤyou finally asked me out.
ㅤㅤAnd I'm really grateful
ㅤㅤyou did that.
On this special day, I remember vividly how we met, became friends, best friends and then lovers.

Thoughts of you make my lips curve into a smile. Your presence turns my insides to jelly. When I'm with you, I'm the happiest me.
Thank you for being a good lover.
Thank you for being your true self.
Thank you for always being by my side.
Thank you for choosing me to be your lover.
Thank you for loving me.
And thank you for being mine.
I want to spend forever with you. This first month as your lover, has made me realize this fact. You’re the one I want, always.
Seperti biasa masih banyak banget yang ingin aku sampaikan, tapi bingung.. karena saking banyaknya yang ingin disampaikan.

So I will end this thread here.
p.s. I love you. And maybe words are not enough to express my love for you.
p.p.s maaf untuk sekarang aku cuma bisa bikin ginian aja.
tambahan lagi, semoga kamu makin sabar ya ngadepin aku. 😙✌️
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