I hired a guy on task rabbit to help me do a few things around my dad's place, and his prolonged eye contact and hand-on-the-small-of-my-back are VERY UNCOMFY.

If I don't tweet for the rest of the day, assume the worst.
Also, this is not a particularly unique experience. It's just another day in the life of being a (single) woman. Am I legitimately fearful? No. But am I feeling anxious and on high alert, just in case? Yes.

Maybe it doesn't have to be this way??
This is also the hard part: What's an appropriate response? What's trusting my instincts vs an overreaction? How do I know when I'm being paranoid vs when there's actual cause for concern?
What if I ask him to leave and he gets mad? What if this man, who now knows where I live, gets kicked off the app because of my complaint and takes out his frustration? My brain just floats around the what-ifs until it decides that it's nbd and probably totally fine.
You can follow @JBsTwoCents.
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