1. With Liz Cheney's pushed out of GOP leadership, worth remembering just months ago she was a super-star. Last November Politico wrote of her prospects to be Speaker or even President, complete with Margaret Thatcher comparisons. What went wrong?
2. Liz Cheney has fallen because she stood up to Trump: it's a very consistent pattern over last few years that any Republican who does that is either swept aside or surrenders to Trump (as Lindsey Graham). The GOP's heart and soul belongs to Trump.
3. Given Trump's near total control of GOP, it's hard not to admire those Republicans who at real political cost oppose him. But we have also to be clear-eyed that Never Trump Republicanism is a political dead end. There's no sign it has a constituency inside GOP.
4. In the context of nearly completely Trumpized GOP, centrists and Democrats overvalue Never Trump Republicans and GOP dissidents, often searching for Trump slayer in GOP ranks. It ain't gonna happen folks.
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