For Buffett skeptics let’s clarify some things. He has given away $100B of his stock so far. Also decided to let others ride along for free (no fee, no carry). Took $100k salary for 50+ years with zero bonus and no stock options. Lowest paid CEO ever that created $650B+ of value.
He gave it to the smartest guy he knows. Maybe that’ll be a mistake if Gates fails him. But I do think it made him feel obligated to try to do it right. Responsibility is to give it all away. Not just his own $ but entrusted by a guy he loves and respects. Will try his best.
Don't think of me as a brainwashed Buffett groupie. Look at what he has done objectively. I've learned so much. Some say they learned more from his approach to life. I learned about business/investing (in that order). My wife reminds me that his wife left him so there are limits.
Why did I learn more about business than investing from him? You should invest if you do not know business works. How does value get created and destroyed? Cannot understand business unless you understand people. Motivations, fears, desires, incentives. He gets it so deeply.
He understands the mind of a great founder/entrepreneur better than VCs. And he also understands why some of those, even after making billions still show up to work. Everyday. And how do they keep it all going? That has fascinated him forever and he gets it bc he knows himself.
What is fascinating is that he translates soft squishy human part of business/life into dollars and cents. Cash flows, defensibility, trust, brand, sustainability, ripple effects, long term consequences, etc. I’ve said it’s like the scene in the Matrix where Neo starts to see it.
But he doesn’t see it all. He only plays games that he understands. Always trying to learn. If he does not get it, he will pass. And even then he still makes mistakes. Every year he talks about his mistakes. It’s so damned hard - business, investing and life. He is quite human.
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