Republicans across the country using the abusers mantra regarding teaching history: “You will love the history I teach you and you won’t complain.” Using the crusaders manta: “Learn history the way I teach you or die” & “You have no history, your history is what I tell you it is”
The pushback against us researching our history, publishing books and studies that center us and corrects narratives (1619 is one & the current most prominent) is telling in that it’s more than disagreement it’s disproportionate anger. People who have forced us to learn about
Rome ad nausea, Greece, the “enlightenment” with forays into “ancient China & Egypt” as if they’re not living dynamic countries now, but refuse to authorize teaching about history on these shores. White folk can trace a Kentucky Derby horse’s lineage hundreds of years to England
because they valued record keeping for animals but not humans, but still want to dictate what can or cannot be taught. A people happily ignorant of world maps & who can’t distinguish how incorrect American made-distributed maps/globes are but want to tell us “you have no history
outside of the white history we gave you and taught in your underfunded schools with your mostly underpaid teachers.” “We are right” they say, as thousands of confederate monuments, statues, streets, buildings, and schools are named after racists who owned our families dot the
nation. And because they know how stupid their base is they’ve retreated to their comfort zone of writing laws to restrict, suppress, and invalidate votes and voters because barely ONE generation after landmark civil rights voting legislation-signed when I was a baby- lawmakers
All over the country are attempting to pass 360 bills that will take away what was granted us in the mid-60’s. Because we’ve spent 50 years NOT teaching white people what civil rights legislation, what slavery, segregation, redlining, underfunded schools, and systemic racism
and how it infects every aspect of America. They are content to know about rOmE and its collapse but not the one they are actively bringing about right here & right now & one we barely escaped 100 days ago. We don’t have to honor white history or your white heroes & we certainly
don’t have to hold in esteem your slave owning “founding fathers” no matter what else they accomplished because nothing - nothing- defines them more than the cowardice they demonstrated by knowing owning humans was/is wrong & doing jacksh^t about it. Kcuf them all. If we don’t
Reign in our national stupidity the Ron Santos Ted Cruz those bogert and margery person, Trump, Manchin, the nut from Arizona & idiots like gym Jordan and that stupid Texas Governor will drive this teetering country to ruin. Reject them, learn and teach true American history
Starting with Native history, then Black history, and we will all be better off as those myths of white heroes & manifest destiny bs can right be tossed in the trash
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