Man, one of my neighbors (a white couple) was in a domestic abuse sitch a few weeks ago right. She had the whole building up cause the screaming sounded like someone was getting beat to near Death, no exaggeration. Me and a black neighbor came out strapped like “what you think?”
We let the white bitch call the boys and just keep and ear out. The boys come and take her dude to jail. She looks beat da fuq up. Tell me why she MAD AT THE BUILDING FOR CALLING THE POLICE ON HER DUDE.
She was so adamant to be mad at everyone around for calling the police instead of her bf for beating her ass so she put this on they door!
The NERVE of a dem white people. You damn skippy I ain’t tryna hear you fight for your life just cause y’all into that shit!! The audacity it took for her to write that sign!
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