This week we're welcoming interns onto our team and it's so exciting! Being here for almost 1.5 years I get to take on some of that responsibility of creating that safe place for them to learn and grow while at the firm.
I remember how... confused and excited I was as an intern. Every couple days I would take my lunch outside to just stare up at the building in complete astonishment. I asked myself over and over again - how did I end up here?
Looking back it all aligned perfectly - the moments where I was most grounded in the present and lead with curiosity I would find the answers I was seeking.
Your first years working "in the real world" are so weird (and I'm still very much so in it)... You're discovering
(1) The real complexities of working in your field (2) That life includes your job but there are so many experiences beyond work to indulge in
(3) Reevaluating your own values, strengths, passions, weaknesses (4) Figuring out who you want to show up as in your work and life (5) How you need to design your life to show up as the person you want to be (6) You are going to make mistakes and it's often uncomfortable to grow
I hope that I can be a sounding board to these interns - to help them reflect on their own journeys and where they want to grow. So much of our work isn't about the output but the mindset and how you show up.
This thread feels like it's bouncing around a little - but this is also a reminder to myself; our circumstances are always changing and we have little control over the future. Own today and learn how to show up for yourself and foster your own curiosity.
I want to lead more with my heart, with grace, with empathy, with humility and to ground each of these things in strength.
You can follow @kat_schouten.
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