How I learned to network and connect with great quality people on LinkedIn

More below 🤝
1. I really made a point to be proactive about finding a job before college graduation. 8 months prior I bought LinkedIn premium after recommendation from a great friend of mine at @heitman
2. I started to read articles on different industries within real estate. I was learning about private equity, asset management, development, and more.
3. This allowed me to get familiar with industry jargon, things individuals actually cared about in this space (I.E. value add opportunities), and to recognize the players in the space.
4. After this I started to message people to set up informational interviews just to learn more about what they and their company do.
5. These connections are not necessarily meant to to turn into job opportunities, but they possibly can be down the road.
6. After phone calls, @Starbucks meetings, or zoom I made a point to ask them if they have any friends/colleagues they think I should be talking to.
7. This allowed me to lean on someone else’s network to speak and connect with other quality individuals.
8. I kept a spreadsheet of these talks. Some of the criteria I tracked was: Name, Company, Position, Contact Info, and Context of our discussion.
9. Wrapping this thread up, I now have a list of my favorite business minds to contact on a quarterly basis. From analyst at @GoldmanSachs to lenders at @RaymondJames
10. I think this list will prove extremely valuable and future opportunities may arise from my follow ups.
11. If you liked this tread drop a DM or follow! #raymondjames #goldmansachs #LinkedIn #connect #RealEstate
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