Patriarchy is a system of sex-based oppression, in which males *as a class* are dominant over females *as a class.* Patriarchy is inculcated and maintained by a system of gender socialisation in which males are socialised to value dominance, independence, rationality,
competitiveness, individualism, and in which females are socialised into caring roles, placing the needs of males before their own, and to believe their value is intimately connected to male approval. This manifests in a tendency towards male entitlement and female under-
entitlement, in which males think they have a 'right' to their needs being attended to by females. This is particularly with respect to rights to control women's reproduction and sexual access to women, and secondarily, entitlement to the domestic and emotional labour of women.
Inculcated entitlement to women is central to the mechanisms of male violence, when men react narcissistically to not having their needs met. Patriarchy also functions by the unequal distribution of power and wealth between males and females, and the passing of property and
position down the male line. Traditionally males exclude women from positions of power, while in some more liberal countries, women now have some access to that power, but are still under-represented.

Symptoms of patriarchy therefore include, males having more wealth and power,
males controlling women's reproductive or sexual capacities, males thinking they are entitled to sexual access to women as well as the commercialisation of that access, males thinking women are there to meet their needs, domestic and sexualised male violence, women doing
disproportionate amounts of care and social reproduction labour, women being clustered in low paid and low status occupations.

The vast majority of which are true of the West. No one is denying that there are extremes of these symptoms, and that women have more legal equality in
some countries than in others.

However, while women continue to do the largest share of unpaid and undervalued care labour, while women's choices are constrained by having less access to wealth and power, while women are still socialised to put men's needs before their own, and
while we still have epidemic levels of male violence against women and girls, this is still a patriarchal society, and it will not stop being one until men are socialised to realise they are not entitled to women's bodies, attention, or labour.
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