I regret to inform you that Eric Mason is back on some foolishness. No hate here: Most of the time he's doing solid Biblical teaching, but when he touches on sociology, it goes off the rails. Clips incoming.
"Whites have to stop...You can never call a black person racist...I can call you whatever crazy racial slur I want. I can not treat you a particular way but racism is...me using my structural capacity in connection to power to to enforce my prejudice to cut things off from you."
"You got one page on race and you got 20 pages on the Constitution in our educational system. Revisionist history."
"Another way we see racism is is art or iconography...When the people in power do the iconography, they get to cast the vision of the story based on the icon that's presented...It's a weapon of mass destruction, is what it is."
"'Oh, that's critical race theory.' You don't even know what it is. You just heard that somewhere and because you're a racist and you don't want to deal with your racism, you want to throw a grenade at the gospel."

This one's a doozy. Many more quotables.
"Everything in our society is about color! This society + even the church taught us to think about color...How many churches have any other ethnicity in the building as the icons?...It's a culture that's been developed as color being the foundation."
"Some of y'all negroes...are some suckers in the Spirit because you won't be honest with the racism that you're dealing with, and you want the spoils of privilege, and you'll sell out the gospel and you'll sell out your own people."

Also note the "Massa!" house slave routine
Not much else that's WPC-worthy, but to be fair, some moments from the meat of the teaching (working from 1 Pet 2:9).

Here he creates a straw man that conservatives call racial unity, not "antiracism" or differing approaches to economics, something we can "agree to disagree."
Closing segment: Yes to ethnic unity in Christ. Yes to building better institutions. But the latter item can never become a precondition to the former item. And no generation (before Jesus returns) is going to "eradicate" poverty or sins like ethnic hatred.
I've been informed that Dr. Mason apologized for elements of this sermon. Seems I missed it because A) the sermon is still up, and B) the apology is not linked in the description. So my page is the one place you can go to see both! https://www.facebook.com/100005126297475/videos/1786995284814664
For your Twitter viewing convenience, here's the meat of the apology:

"I ended up utilizing slave kind of language, making fun of people, which I would say wasn't good form...I hope that you can hear the rest of the sermon." (1/2)
"I need the Lord to do some soul work, and I'm so broken about how I could have impacted someone negatively and they miss out on the sermon just because of a stupid decision." (2/2)
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