Corona infected patients can have blood clotting within 5 to 12 days, after which there is no risk to life.
The second wave of coronavirus has proved to be more dangerous for young people. There have been many cases in which infected people have increased problems with blood clotting and cardiac arrest.
In another wave of coronavirus, patients' blood was found to be thickening. As a result, blood clotting in the patient's body has been shown to increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and brain stroke.
Recently, India's renowned vascular surgeon Ambrish Satvik posted a picture of a black clot removed from a corona patient on Twitter and asked why a blood clot is dangerous in a corona patient.

Surgery removed the blood clot
The corona can often cause a blood clot in a patient, said vascular surgeon Ambareesh Satvik. This blood clot increases the chances of problems like heart attack, brain stroke, or paralysis by 2-5%.
We have surgically removed a blood clot from the lower artery of a corona victim here, and we were able to save that patient's life.

What is a blood clot?
According to experts, blood clots also put many patients at risk. These clots are also called thrombosis. Swelling is also commonly seen in the lungs of a corona patient. But the swelling of the lungs caused by this blood clot takes a serious form.

The problem of micro-clots
In March, when the second wave of the coronavirus spread rapidly around the world, doctors diagnosed blood clot problems in many hospitalized patients.
One of the reports from the second wave of patients is that small blood clots are found in their lungs in the early stages and over time they form large blood clots in the veins.
If this large blood clot starts to form in the upper part of the body, the vein becomes blocked and the risk of death to the patients is increased.

Blood clot problems in 30% of critically ill patients
Rupen Arya, a professor of thrombosis and hemostasis at King's College Hospital in London, says that as statistics have been coming in for some time now, it seems that coronary heart disease problems are on the rise.
The problem of blood clots is also seen more in critically ill patients. Blood clots are especially occurring in the lungs of patients. According to a survey conducted in Europe, 30% of the patients who are seriously ill with corona have blood clot problems.
Excessive viscosity in the blood can cause a blood clot
Professor Arya's blood science team at King's College Hospital in London has tested samples of patients. It has been found that mutations in the coronavirus cause changes in the bloodstream.
In these circumstances, those who have high blood pressure are more likely to have a blood clot. Mutations of the coronavirus in the blood have a serious effect on the lungs.

How long can the problem of clotting increase in the corona?
The chairman of Fortis Hospital, Dr. "Clotting problems can start from the fifth day of corona infection," said Ashok Seth. This body has an inflammatory reaction. The patient develops a fever and cough problem before the onset of blot clotting.
Therefore the condition can remain severe between 5-12 days for corona infection. And 12 days after coronary heart disease infection, the patient's risk of death is greatly reduced.
If the patient's report shows signs of thickening or even a small blood clot from day five, he is given an injection of blood thinner. This keeps the blood thinner and the circulation in the body easier. As a result, the patient's risk to life is negligible.
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