Ok so you often see fatphobic public health and fitness weirdo garbage people screaming about how there's -so many- more fat people than ever before

This is moral panic trash but I have thoughts about it and I am going to present those thoughts as a numbered list 😁
1) Past a certain point we have no idea what people weighed. The data literally does not exist.

Scales for weighing people did not really become a thing people had regular access to until the beginning of the 1900s.

So this claim is based on zero data. The data does not exist.
2) There are more people IN GENERAL now than there were in the 1800s.

So are we talking about percentages or overall numbers in our made up claims based on data that doesn't exist?
3) Regarding the fake claim about there being so much more diabetes that always seems to show up with the original claim

-Prior to the discovery of insulin and how to produce it as a drug to save lives, we had a lot less diabetes.

Because people just
d i e d
If you have a population of people who perish pretty soon after they manifest symptoms, the amount of people in that population is going to stay fairly stable in numbers
If you find a way to treat their symptoms and extend their lives, then the total population of people with diabetes will grow

as more people are diagnosed and treated they enter that population but don't leave it

Because they stay alive
This is actually a good thing??

People are alive who wouldn't be otherwise, like YAY SCIENCE

It's honestly kind of distressing that the people involved in setting global health policy apparently don't understand this
4) The time period we usually see blamed as creating Too Many fat people is usually roughly the mid point of the 20th century- the post WWII period

But a WILD amount of society wide changes has happened since that time??

Literally everything is different than it was in 1921??
Where we do have some data (and it is SOME, the data sets exist but aren't great) about weight from the 1960s forward

we do see increases in average weight in the US (idk about other countries)

But HEIGHT also shot up at relatively equivalent rates at the same time
And yet no one is running around screaming about the tallness epidemic

5) You know what also shot thru the roof at the same time as average height and weight?

Life expectancy.

No one complains or comments about that either.

And that is a huge swing and a miss for public health because increasing life expectancy is already having a massive impact
Hugely burgeoning populations of elderly people is already having a huge and very negative impact in many countries

Because we have literally wasted all our public health resources on scolding fat people for existing and lining the pockets of the diet industry
Those resources could have been used to do literally anything to support and care for the increasing elderly population

A population that NEEDS those resources and is going to need more in the future
But we give that money to wellness grifters instead and I guess gramma can just go fuck herself

because it's just too delicious of a distraction to hate fat people instead of SOLVING LITERALLY ANY PROBLEM EVER
6) We literally didn't even get a generation away from the War on Poverty before people started screaming that these awful poors were too fat and were ruining America

Idk, that just pisses me off
7) The US government screaming about kids not being fit and thin enough is always openly connected to the panic

that there will not be enough "combat ready" kids to go maintain the empire thru the military.
Leftists might want to think about that before they swallow fatphobic government propaganda about "childhood obesity"

Comrades- when the government screams about "childhood obesity"

you should translate that as a worry about not having enough suitable cannon fodder
When has the United States government -ever- given a shit about anything that would improve the lives of the majority of the people who live here??

Like do Leftists hate fat people so much that they are willing to believe the United States government??

but only about fat people

8) Screams of "too many" fat people always remind me of screams about "too many" queer people

Same energy
9) Not only does dieting not work, it is the most accurate predictor of future weight gain


Because it damages your metabolism.

The more dieting you have in a population, the higher the average weight is going to be
10) You only think there are more fat people because you can SEE US NOW

Because everyone HAS CAMERAS

and a public place to put those photos, aka social media

The media can't disappear fat people from view anymore because we can make our own images
There is a reason fat activism exploded online as soon as it became easy and common to take and share digital photos

People want to tell me that their fatphobia is common sense

And I hope that I have demonstrated here that it's actually nonsensical and that it's not that hard to understand that these people are full of utter shit

You just have to bother to LOOK
When you bother to LOOK at the "evidence" that backs up institutional fatphobia

You will find that it is a complete nothingburger

I swear to god, I have spent a DECADE tearing my hair out over this

we have KNOWN this since Dr Stunkard's original meta analysis in the 1950s
Like literally NO ONE seems to care that none of this shit is even TRUE

*screaming forever*
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