Watching this intraparty fight happen inside the House Republican Conference, and I’m still amazed that it’s unfolding the way it is. A few days ago, McCarthy said that “majorities are earned.”
I have yet to see how Republicans have earned a majority. If they win the majority back it’ll be because of redistricting, not because of any policy agenda. I’m not sure what the GOP’s policy agenda is. Owning the libs and whining about “big tech” isn’t a policy agenda.
Some may say that the GOP can’t really do much in the minority other than what they’re doing. I don’t buy that. In 1994, Gingrich and the House GOP had a vision (Contract with America) and help president who went too on taxes and guns. They won back the House and the Senate.
Cheney is not someone who I would normally defend. I loathe her views on foreign policy. In normal times, I would say that she’s generally what’s wrong with the GOP. Removing her because she’s still very much actively against Trump and won’t gloss over January 6 is just dumb.
She’s gone after sitting conservatives like Massie for the infraction of demanding a role call vote. She was wrong. That was a reason to go after her. Her being against Trump is not a reason to do so.
I just don’t know what the House Republican Conference wants to be. McCarthy isn’t Paul Ryan or Gingrich. If Republicans do win back the House, I still don’t expect an actual policy agenda.
I expect the same messaging bills they ran when they last had control of the House. “We’ll get the REINS Act passed this time, guys.” Of course they won’t. They’ll move from messaging bill to messaging bill.
They’ll do oversight of the Biden administration. After all, there is no oversight conducted when your party is in power. The same is true when Dems have the House and a Dem president.
I left a job partly because of the impact that January 6 had on me. (There were other reasons.) I never liked Trump. I didn’t vote for him either time he was on the ballot. I got tired of seeing grifters get rewarded in the conservative movement. I was over it all.
I am not sympathetic to Democrats. To this day, I haven’t voted for a Democrat for president. I don’t expect that to change unless Democrats suddenly embrace markets. But I’m wondering what does the Republican Party stand for these days. What do conservatives stand for?
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