if the glass at this @_WTCOfficial / @PANYNJ railing at Liberty Park looks confusing to you, imagine how it must look for a migrating white-throated sparrow--all they see are the park's trees and they fly right into it, ending up dead or concussed
it would be so easy to fix this one small strip of glass by breaking up the illusion of transparency -- untreated, it kills birds all morning
and others fall into the @panynj road, where they sit stunned until hit by cars. @_WTCOfficial, i don't know who is responsible for this aspect of the park but you would save a lot of vulnerable migrating birds by retrofitting it
can't see it in this photo but there's a stunned, desperately confused yellowthroat in the garage, occasionally flying but w no idea how to get out because it's frightened of the leaf blower outside. fixing the railing once would stop this from happening each season
& @PANYNJ @_WTCOfficial just to give you a sense of the volume, this catbird broke its neck against the railing while I sending that last tweet. when I went to check on it I found yet another stunned sparrow right next it
oh here's another, who has a splitting headache and probably won't make it but will at least get some pain relievers and anti-inflammatories at @wildbirdfund
these birds are tiny and deserve better from us. please treat the glass so @wildbirdfund doesn't have to treat so many cases of head trauma
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