The Secrets of the Lord

2021 May 06
There are secrets of Providence which God’s dear children may learn. His dealings with them often seem, to the outward eye, dark and terrible. Faith looks deeper and says, "This is God’s secret. You look only on the outside; I can look deeper and see the hidden meaning."
Sometimes diamonds are done up in rough packages, so that their value cannot be seen. When the Tabernacle was built in the wilderness there was nothing rich in its outside appearance.
The costly things were all within, and its outward covering of rough badger skin gave no hint of the valuable things which it contained.
God may send you, dear friends, some costly packages. Do not worry if they are done up in rough wrappings. You may be sure there are treasures of love, and kindness, and wisdom hidden within.
If we take what He sends, and trust Him for the goodness in it, even in the dark, we shall learn the meaning of the secrets of Providence.-- A. B. Simpson
The Weaver's Hand
The Weaver's Hand

"Not until each loom is silent,
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the pattern
And explain the reason why
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver’s skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
For the pattern which He planned."
Mastered by Christ
The Potter
The Potter
(A Word for South Africa)
South Africa
''O South Africa! O South Africa! O South Africa! Hear the Word of the Lord! How I have desired to comfort you, even as a mother hen her chicks. Is it time to follow your own leading, to rely on the arm of flesh?
Shall the arm of flesh, shall Egypt, shall Syria, Shall Persia, Shall man be able to deliver you? Are you so foolish as to think that man shall deliver you? Have I not said that I will restore your apostolic, prophetic mandate given you from before the beginning of time.
Am I not the Rewarder of them whom dilligently seek Me, and whom; seek My Face?"
"I carry you close to My Heart. Have I said it, and shall I not fulfil it> Remember I Am not a man that I should lie, neither the son of man that I need to repent! Am I not the Creator of the heavens, the Earth; and all that there is in it.
Have I not spoken and called into being the things that be not as though they are. Have I not formed you by and through my hands, shaping you by My Fingers. Have I not cretaed you and called you; South Africa; for a time such as this? Is it time to lay down and give up hope?
Is it time to rely on the arm of flesh? Look not to flesh for flesh shall destroy you> Lean on Me and see even now, if I shall not fight for you, preserve you from the fowler's snare?"
"See_ _ _ I have formed you, and called you for, this day even before the beginning of time, for this season. Behold I do a new thing, See if I have not already started it. Surely I shall fulfil My Word spoken over you! Even when still in your mother's womb.
When you were still a babe, I had called you. I have not forgotten you, neither forgotten nor forsaken My Covenant which I had made with you! Even before the formation of you as a nation, I knew of you and called you as an apostolic, prophetic people.
I raise up kings, presidents, princes, governments and nations. Right in the Beginning before you were ever founded I knew of you, prepared and called you into existence. Yea, even now I shall fufil and complete it."
"For I Know the plans which I have for you, plans of success and a future. To prosper you, to give you triumph and victory. Behold I know the end from the beginning. O South Africa, will you look unto Me? As the Author and Finisher of your faith. Surely, I shall fight for you!
Yea, I shall give you victory. Trust in and upon Me! When In Me you shall triumph over your enemies. Provided you heed, obey and follow Me! Hearken not to man, neither open yourselves to fear! Be sensitive to My leading! Be sensitive to My Spirit! Hearken to My Voice!
Surely I shall heal your wounds. Though deep and hurting, Surely I shall heal your Land, restore your nation, restore your people as before. I shall and am raising My Standard against the Enemy>"
"But whoa to you, should you follow, rely, put your trust in the arm of the flesh and on man. Look not to presidents princes, kings or human governance. They who lead and turn their backs, and take their eyes off Me, shall be judged. accordingly.
They who lean upon the staff of Pharoah, shall be pierced by, with, much sorrow of heart. For surely the time has come for nations and their kings to be judged. See the books are even now being opened. <The Heavenly courts, are ven this day in session>"
"All who desire to lead and live Righteously, shall become more Righteous, all who desire to become holy even as I Am Holy shall themselves become more holy.
All who choose to live justly before Me shall themselves become more just, for I hold them_ _ _ " " Yea, I hold you close to My heart. My Eye shall lead them. My Eye shall lead you!
I shall surely guide you by and through My Eyes; My Light shall shine and search that which is hidden in your hearts. I shall lead and direct you through My Word and the Power and Authority and leading of My Sweet, Prescious, Holy Spirit."
Seek the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. For God remains Faithful and True! He even now shall fulfil His Word and fulfil it. Return to the Lord your God, South Africa! Even now as and when you, as we return to the Lord, He shall hear us and heal our land!
But remember His Justice and Judgement is on hand. He is the Righteous King of Glory! He is Creator of all things. He created both the Heavens and the Earth. He spoke them into being, and holds them together through the Power and Authority of His Word!
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