Government source says French threats against Jersey are worse than Nazi occupation: “At least the Nazis kept the lights on.”

The ignorance & denialism about history here is shocking. The scale of violence in the Channel Islands, occupied June 1940 until 9 May 1945, was vast…
“At least the Nazis kept the lights on.”

The Jews of Jersey were registered within weeks of the Nazi occupation, then had their businesses appropriated, then their homes, and then were deported to the concentration camps and death camps of the Nazi empire, mostly to Auschwitz.
“At least the Nazis kept the lights on.”

Islanders who weren’t locally born were deported en masse to Germany, where many died in prisons and labour camps. Dozens of islanders were sent to concentration camps for resisting the occupation.
“At least the Nazis kept the lights on.”

The Channel Islands were fortified by the Nazis, the fortifications built using forced labour. Twelve hour days of arduous work either under the earth or on the Atlantic coast, starvation rations, rampant dysentery...
“At least the Nazis kept the lights on.”

Nazi racial hierarchy determined whether labourers had a chance of surviving. A small number of “volunteers” from NW Europe were more or less fed in work camps. Spanish Republican prisoners were mistreated but most survived...
“At least the Nazis kept the lights on.”

Thousands of Russian, Ukrainian & Polish slave labourers died on the Channel Islands, of disease, brutality & hunger. Vichy France sent African & Indo-Chinese labourers; most died. Jews in the labour camps were routinely worked to death.
“At least the Nazis kept the lights on.”

The Slavic & Jewish labourers were in concentration camps, Lager Nordeney and Lager Sylt, operated by the SS as part of the Neuengamme camp network. It’s estimated up to 40,000 died on the islands, and others on forced marches east.
The Johnson government wants our schools and universities to teach more about our island history. It seems this is a part of the history of these islands which they skipped.
One thing I should’ve included in this thread: the Nazis *didn’t* even, actually, keep the lights on. “The electricity supply is on its last legs it is off all afternoon from one till six and from ten at night till six next morning…"
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