manipulation ment ? /dsmp /rp
ok but the thing is we have so little on c!wilbur rn and what c!tommy is really feeling or thinking about him. like does he know he is being manipulated and using it to his advantage? or is wilbur even aware he is manipulating tommy?
there is a chance that wilbur is completely aware of everything that's happened and just doesn't know how to feel or process everthing rn ? he might not even know that time doesn't work the same in the afterlife! when wilbur said he came full circle that doesn't necessarily mean-
that he is completely void of a bad mental state, and it's quite obvious through the ups and downs we were given in the latest lore stream . cc!wilbur has done so much with his character already and I'm so excited to see what happens next.
also the click clack that my keyboard was making throughout writing this thread is soooo satisfying to me. like i dont even have to type actual like stuff i just. the soundddddd :O
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