˗ˏˋ a (highly specific) guide to not overeating
↻/♡ appreciated
this thread is long and kind of a specific routine that helps me prevent overeating, hopefully it's helpful for you too <3
ok so first:
˗ˏˋ remember WHY you don't want to overeat
write them down if that helps you / read them. here are some of my reasons:
1. bloating - do u really want 2 be searching up "stretches for bloating" at 2 am instead of going to bed? 😭
2. discomfort - imagine the discomfort / pain when you do finally go to bed,,,, not being able to sleep on ur belly , feeling so mf uncomfortable LOL
3. it is so unproductive - why would u avoid / be rude to your family and friends just to stuff your face? instead you could seek comfort by calling somebody and dealing with your emotions!! or even journaling just literally anything else because yk that this never ends well!
4. heat - just feeling ur body warm up in the worst way possible and feeling sweaty,,,, why would you put urself through a night of twisting and turning and opening the windows every 2 seconds when it could have been avoided?
5. shame - imagine explaining to your family that half of the kitchen is gone because you ate everything the night before. imagine telling somebody that you are trying to lose weight while eating like that lmfao
6. setting back your progress - all those days of restriction going to waste.
7. imagine the "wait you've gotten so thin!!!" comments and being able to fit into an s / xs size - why give that up for food that doesn't even taste that good? and you can have that food that in moderation when you get to your goal so why not just wait
8. THE FOOD ISN'T EVEN THAT GOOD - everything tastes better in moderation, when you stuff your face you lose 90% of the flavor anyways? why can't you enjoy the foods you love without ruining them for yourself by having too much
and look at how pretty small portion sizes are !!!!!!!!!!! you'd enjoy your meals a whole lot more if you could listen to your body's hunger / fullness cues :D
˗ˏˋ what to do when you feel the urge:
what is it that you are craving rn? this guide could be helpful so u can pick a meal that is specific to ur cravings
1. if you can go into your kitchen and cook a good , filling meal (idc if u have already passed ur limit!) here's a good portion size guide - although it IS just cico , if u crave the feeling of fullness that badly fill up on vegetables!!
why snack (which isn't bad in of itself) but then overeat (because of guilt) and still feel unsatisfied if you could have your snack then cook a nutritiously complete meal and feel energized? it doesn't matter if the meal goes over your limit if it prevents you overeating.
some of my favorites:
- cauliflower rice with stirfried vegetables and salmon / fish
- noodles with vegetables and hard-boiled eggs
- egg sandwich next to some broccoli , carrots and sweet potato
- a high volume salad!! with tuna / boiled eggs / falafel for extra fullness
- a wrap with eggs / tuna / falafel / chicken and some vegetables
-spinach , cherry tomato and onion omelet
˗ˏˋ a note on sugar cravings:
if you are craving something sweet have it BEFORE the meal!!!! even if it is "unhealthy". it makes such a difference. for me if I have something sweet after a meal it leads to me overeating so maybe this could help you too!!
if you want here are some (relatively) low cal sweet snacks:
- banana with melted pb / biscoff
- apples with cinnamon
- pineapple with tajin seasoning
- any type of berry with yogurt + chia seeds
however, if you want a candy bar go for it!!
˗ˏˋ tips for the meal:
- sit down somewhere you haven't overeaten before. a new environment could help reduce the visual cues that triggers ur brain into that mindset -> repeating the same pattern. so go sit somewhere new :p
- eat your food mindfully with no distractions.
^ if you want there are guided meditations on youtube for mindful eating.
- if the urge to eat a lot came from an emotional situation think it through, try to gain some perspective on the situation. remind yourself of everything that is going right at the moment.
- don't put too much pressure on yourself to eat within a certain time , a certain amount of bites instead focus on how the food tastes and enjoy it.
- drink 1/2 cup of water during your meal. more than that could disrupt your digestive system.
- once done take your vitamins!!
˗ˏˋ after the meal:
- distract yourself - play one of your comfort shows or go and do some homework
I like doing something that requires me to complete it so like taking a practice SAT test would keep me distracted for 3 hours
- if you are still thinking about food watch ss vs ss, mukbang videos, scroll through twitter or look at thinspo. whatever keeps you away from food.
- walk or leave the house if you can
- repeat affirmations
- take a shower + brush ur teeth! this helps me sm
- conclusion:
an all or nothing mindset gets you nowhere! moderation is key to achieving your goals. go easy on yourself and nourish your mind + body. if you have high cal food and feel hungry after don't beat yourself up over it, just have something nutritious after :p
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